Local Management Presents FY2015 LDC38 Reports Showing 90% of Line H Met!
Really? --- Are they joking?! --- Have they no shame??!!
We are aware management has been padding the custodial hours recorded in LDC 38 in a blatant
attempt to get out of their liability and obligations for staffing and scheduling in accordance with
the July 9, 2014 MOU resolving MS-47 T/L-5. In particular Item #6 requires:
In facilities that are maintained by USPS custodians, upon the conclusion of each Postal
Fiscal Year (FY), during October of the new FY, the total custodial work hours for the
just completed fiscal year shown on the end of year report(s) for Labor Distribution Code
(LDC) 38 (custodial work) will be compared with 90% of the custodial work hours shown
on Line H of PS Form 4852. The results will be provided to and discussed with the Local
APWU President or designee.
This is far more than simple notification. Instead of the Agency meeting its obligation of
providing the above information local by local, the Agency is providing a district wide report.
As clarified in the questions and answers sent by Postal management, agreed to by the
Maintenance Division, and sent on to Postal management:
26. Regarding item 6 of the July 9, 2014 MOU, when determining the LDC 38 work
hours to be compared to Line H on the authorized PS 4852, is there are (an) agreed
upon report to use?
A. The LDC 38 work hours can be shown by whichever report, or combination of
reports, will be (sic) provide the best evidence. The end of FY LDC 38 work hours
used must reflect the actual custodial work performed that is included in the Line H
total. In other words, only custodial work identified in the staffing package and
reflected on the Line H annual time will be used as the comparison. Work hours
that do not reflect custodial work, improperly coded work or custodial work not
included in Line H will be subtracted or ignored for the purposes of the LDC 38
end of FY comparison. (EA)
A quick glance through management’s proffered reports shows the depths of bad faith
bargaining to which they will sink. The employer’s supposed report reveals items that any lay
person would say are simply and blatantly FRAUDULENT! One example lists a Post Office
which has no maintenance custodians. Nevertheless, the Service assigned hundreds of LDC 38
hours to this office. Why -- we don’t know – APWU members in the office stated they have
never performed any custodial work!