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February 16, 2025
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Action Center
Boycott Staples
Let Staples know we will not sit by while they take our jobs!! Click on the link to get a downloadable flyer!
A radio station dedicated to union causes
The Postal Service is again urging workers to take a survey, called PULSE. Just like the VOE, the Union urges members to boycott this survey.
Contract Actions
Wear your Sticker Thursdays
Legislative News and Viewa
Aug 15, 2018
Missouri voters just blocked the right-to-work law Republicans passed to weaken labor unions It’s the first time voters have overturned right-to-work laws through a ballot referendum in recent years. By Alexia Fernández Campbell@AlexiaCampbellalexia@vox.
Aug 15, 2018

Resolution Opposing Privatization of the Postal Service Introduced in Congress


07/26/2018 - On July 16, a leading group of Congressional representatives took action to help combat a proposal to privatize the Postal Service. The proposal, put forward by the White House’s Office of Management and Budget in their report Delivering Government Solutions in the 21st Century, would “restructure the U.S. Postal Service” and “prepare it for future conversion from a government agency into a privately-held corporation.”  â€‹

APWU thanks the bipartisan group of representatives for introducing House Resolution 993 in response to this attack. The resolution calls on Congress to take all appropriate measures to ensure that the United States Postal Service remains an independent establishment of the Federal Government and not be subject to privatization. 

The resolution was introduced by Rodney Davis (R-IL) and Stephen Lynch (D-MA) and co-sponsored by Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA), Paul Cook (R-CA), Brian Mast (R-FL), Don Young (R-AK), Cedric Richmond (D-LA), Stephanie Murphy (D-FL), Dave Loebsack (D-IA) and Marcia Fudge (D-OH).

“We will fight back against any attempt to privatize the Postal Service,” said APWU President Mark Dimondstein. “This is yet another attempt by corporate interests to pad their pockets and rob the public of affordable and universal mail delivery.”

Members of Congress will be starting their summer recess in August.  “We urge all APWU members to meet with your representative and express the urgency of them becoming a co-sponsor of this resolution and oppose the privatization of the Postal Service,” said Legislative and Political Director Judy Beard.

You can reach your Congressional representative by dialing 1-844-402-1001.

Jun 18, 2015

House Committee Votes To Restore Overnight Mail

Ever since the Postal Service acted in January 2015 to cut their service standards from 2012 levels, America’s once prompt mail service has fallen off a cliff. Citizens and businesses alike are feeling the sting when their bill payments, medicines, newspapers, or absentee ballots have been excessively delayed. Even the USPS’s own performance data shows the same sad truth, degrading service standards has virtually eliminated overnight mail delivery and resulted in dramatic delays to America’s mail.

When it comes to ensuring the timely processing and delivery of mail, Congress has the ultimate authority over postal operations.  Congress is beginning to exercise that authority – today the House Appropriations Committee voted to restore prompt, reliable mail. 

By a vote of 26-23, the committee adopted an amendment by Rep. Chaka Fattah (D-PA) to the House Appropriations Financial Services bill. The amendment would undo the January service cuts and requires the Postal Service to “maintain and comply with service standards for First Class Mail and periodicals effective on July 1, 2012.”

Jose Serrano (D-NY), Ranking Member of the House Appropriations Financial Service Subcommittee, put it plainly, “The future of our Public Postal Service is threatened by delayed mail.” Speaking in support of the amendment and timely mail service, Rep. David Joyce (R-OH) added, “If we’re going to have standards, let’s have standards of excellence.” 

Aye Henry Cuellar (D-TX) Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) Sam Farr (D-CA) Chaka Fattah (D-PA) Jeff Fortenberry (R-NE) Mike Honda (D-CA) Steve Israel (D-NY) Evan Jenkins (R-WV) David Jolly (R-FL) Dave Joyce (R-OH) Marcy Kaptur (D-OH) Derek Kilmer (D-WA) Barbara Lee (D-CA) Nita Lowey (D-NY) Betty McCollum (D-MN) Steven Palazzo (R-MS) Chellie Pingree (D-ME) David Price (D-NC) Michael Quigley (D-IL) Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-CA) Dutch Ruppersberger (D-MD) Tim Ryan (D-OH) Jose Serrano (D-NY) Peter Visclosky (D-IN) Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D-FL) David Young (R-IA)  No Robert Aderholt (R-AL) Ken Calvert (R-CA) John Carter (R-TX) Thomas Cole (R-OK) Ander Crenshaw (R-FL) John Culberson (R-TX) Charlie Dent (R-PA) Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL) Charles Fleischmann (R-TN) Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-NJ) Kay Granger (R-TX) Tom Graves (R-GA) Andy Harris (R-MD) Jaime Herrera-Beutler (R-WA) Scott Rigell (R-VA) Matha Roby (R-AL) Hal Rogers (R-KY) Thomas Rooney (R-FL) Mike Simpson (R-ID) Chris Stewart (R-UT) David Valadao (R-CA) Stephen Womack (R-AR) Kevin Yoder (R-KS)  Not Voting Mark Amodei (R-NV) Sanford Bishop (D-GA)

Co-sponsors of the bipartisan House Resolution 54 (H.Res.54), a non-binding measure which calls on the Postal Service to restore 2012 service standards, were crucial in the adoption of this important amendment. H.Res.54 co-sponsors on the committee provided 21 of the 26 ‘Aye’ votes for the service standards amendment.

“This is an important step forward towards putting service back into Postal Service,” said APWU President Mark Dimondstein. “And after this first step, together we must take several more steps to secure the future of this great public institution.” Now that it is passed out of committee, the next stop for the Financial Services Appropriations bill (now including the service standards amendment) is the full House of Representatives.  When the full House considers the bill, it will be beneficial to have as many H.Res.54 co-sponsors as possible.

Presently, 194 members of Congress support the bipartisan measure H.Res.54 – does yours?

If not, please give their office a call and ask them to co-sponsor H.Res.54 today. You can read more about H.Res.54 here.

May 27, 2015
The American Postal Workers Union is active in Congress, lobbying for bills that help our Union and the labor movement, and against those bills which continue to hurt the hardworking American people. Below are some of the bills currently in Congress, and with the Union's position on them.
Apr 16, 2015

The rally held by the Long Island NY Area Local, APWU was a successful demonstration, attended by over two hundred proud unionists and supporters. Chants for a decent contract, to stop the Staples deal, and to support our Postal Service was led by President Furgiuele, as our dedicated members walked alongside Route 111 carrying signs and placards.

There is no doubt that the Postal Service received our message, as well as the public. Covering the rally was the union radio station, This site will soon have a link to this internet radio station, featuring an interview held with President Furgiuele, and their coverage of this rally.

Together we can be successful. Thank you for all members and affiliates who attended this rally!

Feb 12, 2015

New Bill Would Stop Mail Slowdown, Reinstate Service Standards

Recognizing the essential role mail plays in American society, some in Congress are responding to the Postal Service’s disastrous action to eliminate overnight delivery and plans to close or consolidate 82 mail processing facilities.  This week, Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) reintroduced the “Protect Overnight Delivery Act,” a bill intended to undo the Postal Service’s mail slowdown and reinstate service standards to their 2011 levels.  This bill mirrors legislation the Congresswoman introduced in the113th Congress.

“Again and again, members of Congress said to the Postal Service: do not unilaterally eliminate overnight delivery or close postal facilities, said DeLauro. "The Postmaster General should not preempt Congressional action."  In the 113th Congress, a bipartisan majority of senators and 178 representatives endorsed a plan to block the Postal Service's plans to eliminate overnight mail service and shutter mail plants.

“APWU greatly appreciates Rep. DeLauro’s leadership on this critical issue and thanks every representative who co-sponsors this important legislation,” said APWU President Mark Dimondstein.

Jul 15, 2014
The continued assault by the Republicans against the Postal Service and its workers continues. The California Republican continues his never ending mission. From the APWU News Service: Issa Tries to Derail Six-Day Delivery – Again! Web News Article #:  133-14 July 9, 2014 - Rep.
May 29, 2014
Issa Advances Bill to Cut Door Delivery As previously discussed in the e-Team, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) appears unable to gain enough support for his extreme and anti-worker postal bill, H.R. 2748.  Now, he has adopted a new strategy and is trying to advance his destructive postal agenda piece by piece.
Jan 18, 2014
One way to keep up with those issues affecting your job and future is to sign up for legislative alerts. This weekly service by the APWU highlights issues of concern to our members, legislation pending before Congress, and actions taken by your legislators. Find your legislators by clicking on the "find your" link under important links on the home page. Sign up for e-Alerts by clicking here.
Nov 19, 2013

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