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February 16, 2025
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Communication is Key

It has come to our attention that a large number of emails are being returned, inhibiting our ability to communicate with you, the members.  If you have not received an email message in the past two weeks, please do the following:

If you have used your USPS email, the system will reject the Union's email. Please use your private email. Rest assured we do not share your email with anyone, especially marketers.

If you have used a private email, make sure that our emails are not being placed in your spam folder. Mark the emails as not spam, or place in the white list.

Check the email in your profile, and make sure it is entered correctly.

Timely communication is integral to our mission, to keep you, the member informed. Please help us help you.

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Action Center
Boycott Staples
Let Staples know we will not sit by while they take our jobs!! Click on the link to get a downloadable flyer!
A radio station dedicated to union causes
The Postal Service is again urging workers to take a survey, called PULSE. Just like the VOE, the Union urges members to boycott this survey.
Contract Actions
Wear your Sticker Thursdays
Holidays are upon us
Posted On: Nov 23, 2014
by Steve Mohring
Well the Holidays are upon us, so everyone is all cheery and happy, not.........
Well from my own perspective, there is so much work, so much frustration, etc, etc, etc.
Yea I'm really happy...... Everyday is a new day in the Postal Service, everyday there is a new challenge.
Things are happening in the Maintenance Craft, Nationally and right here in our own back yard. There is a new MS-47 the TL-5 version and although not totally rolled out yet some aspects effect us. I'm particular the total hours scheduled and those that have been worked. Bottom line is this means that it is VERY important that the work I perform is listed in the correct LDC. Example LDC 38 is custodial work, while LDC 37 is building maintenance. For all hours that management falls short of the planned hours as listed on PS Form 4852 (Line H) they must pay. There is more to this story, but this is the short of it all. Therefore it is of the utmost importance that everyone make sure you swipe your time card to the proper LDC (function). We must make sure that when we are delivering express mail or doing VOMA work we are not in LDC 38. If you or anyone else is knowingly performing work in the improper LDC I would say that is falsifying records and should be investigated. Honesty is the best policy.
Next, in the short also, we are getting jobs posted, but, there's always a but, procedures are still being learned and sometimes need adjustments. Luckily we have the Collective Bargaining Agreement and the JCIM that helps us follow the right path. We just have to have management also follow the right path.
Gotta run, keep in touch and have a good Thanksgiving. Giving thanks for all that we have, no matter how little it may seem. Remember, sometimes you have to fight to get what you deserve or keep what you have....

Long Island NY Area Local
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