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Updated On: Jul 29, 2020

National Committee to Preserve Social Security & Medicare

CALL YOUR U.S. SENATORS and Urge Them to Reject the TRUST Act!



The good news first: President Trump's reckless payroll tax cut scheme is dead … at least for now, thanks in large part to your activism and support over these past several months. But the 
assault on Social Security continues …

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is preparing to reveal his version of the next coronavirus relief bill on Monday which should be aimed at helping Americans survive the ongoing public health and economic crisis. But in order to appease so-called "fiscal hawks" in Congress who feign concern over soaring budget deficits he's expected to include the dangerous "TRUST Act" in his bill which would set up a special committee to decide the fate of the Social Security, Medicare and other Trust Funds. And it could lead to devastating benefit cuts fast-tracked through Congress.

Of course many of the same politicians clamoring for the "TRUST Act" are also behind the $1.9 trillion Trump-GOP tax boondoggle that gave a massive tax break to the wealthiest Americans and huge corporations — and exploded federal deficits.

That's why we need to make our views heard today! We simply cannot afford for Social Security benefit cuts to be rammed through Congress by a select "committee!" So please pick up your phone right now and call the National Committee's toll-free Legislative Hotline at (800) 998-0180. The Hotline will connect you directly with your U.S. Senators. Please tell them: Keep Social Security and Medicare benefit cuts out of the next coronavirus relief legislation and reject the "TRUST Act." Now is the time to protect and strengthen Social Security — not propose a massive overhaul of this vital program.


As you know, it's the unpaid-for Trump-GOP tax bill that primarily benefits the very wealthy and the federal government's response to the coronavirus that have caused deficits to skyrocket — not Social Security, which is funded by payroll contributions from employees and employers. There is no question that we must pass legislation that addresses Social Security's projected shortfall in 2035 (after which the program could still pay 80% of benefits). And allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices with pharmaceutical manufacturers will significantly extend the program's solvency and help seniors. But opponents of these programs want you to believe the only way to "rescue" them is through harmful cuts and radical changes. That's simply not true!

Instead, the 
"Social Security 2100 Act" (H.R. 860)," which would keep the program solvent for more than 75 years without raising the retirement age or cutting benefits — and would even boost some benefits — would be paid for by requiring the wealthy to pay their fair share into the program and modestly increasing the payroll tax by 1.2% phased in over 24 years (the equivalent of one coffee drink every nine weeks for the average wage earner)!

Thanks to your hard work — your letters, petitions, emails and phone calls to Congress and the White House — we've managed to take the President's dangerous payroll tax cut plan off the negotiating table. But now we need to fight just as hard to defeat the "TRUST Act!" With budget deficits rising every day and pressure mounting to reduce historic budget deficits on the backs of retirees and workers, I need you to please act right now! Call your U.S. Senators through our hotline at (800) 998-0180 and tell them to reject the inclusion of the "TRUST Act" in the next coronavirus relief bill. Conveying your opinions to your U.S. Senators, particularly when they're most attuned to their constituents' needs in this crucial election year, is a critical step you can take to protect Social Security now.


Max Richtman Signature

Max Richtman
President & CEO

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