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Action Center
Boycott Staples
Let Staples know we will not sit by while they take our jobs!! Click on the link to get a downloadable flyer!
A radio station dedicated to union causes
The Postal Service is again urging workers to take a survey, called PULSE. Just like the VOE, the Union urges members to boycott this survey.
Contract Actions
Wear your Sticker Thursdays
APWU News Alert
Posted On: Feb 12, 2015

New Bill Would Stop Mail Slowdown, Reinstate Service Standards

Recognizing the essential role mail plays in American society, some in Congress are responding to the Postal Service’s disastrous action to eliminate overnight delivery and plans to close or consolidate 82 mail processing facilities.  This week, Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) reintroduced the “Protect Overnight Delivery Act,” a bill intended to undo the Postal Service’s mail slowdown and reinstate service standards to their 2011 levels.  This bill mirrors legislation the Congresswoman introduced in the113th Congress.

“Again and again, members of Congress said to the Postal Service: do not unilaterally eliminate overnight delivery or close postal facilities, said DeLauro. "The Postmaster General should not preempt Congressional action."  In the 113th Congress, a bipartisan majority of senators and 178 representatives endorsed a plan to block the Postal Service's plans to eliminate overnight mail service and shutter mail plants.

“APWU greatly appreciates Rep. DeLauro’s leadership on this critical issue and thanks every representative who co-sponsors this important legislation,” said APWU President Mark Dimondstein.

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