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February 16, 2025
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Action Center
Boycott Staples
Let Staples know we will not sit by while they take our jobs!! Click on the link to get a downloadable flyer!
A radio station dedicated to union causes
The Postal Service is again urging workers to take a survey, called PULSE. Just like the VOE, the Union urges members to boycott this survey.
Contract Actions
Wear your Sticker Thursdays
Passed at the National Convention! Resolution to Remove Louis DeJoy as PMG
Updated On: Mar 27, 2023

Approved unanimously at the 2022 National Convention


New York Postal Workers Union * New York Metro Area Postal Union -

WHEREAS, The Postal Service had paid $286 million to XPO Logistics in seven years before Louis DeJoy was appointed Postmaster General of the United States, During that time. Mr DeJoy was employed by XPO Logistics as a top executive, and Mr. DeJoy and his family-owned tens of millions of dollars in stock in XPO Logistics,

and WHEREAS, Mr. DeJoy still retained between $30 million and $75 million in stock, in XPO Logistics once he became Postmaster General, the Postal Service increased its business to increased its business with XPO Logistics by $10 million, at the same time that the new Postmaster General was instituting policies that deliberately delayed the mail, removing mail sorting machines and mail collection boxes and reducing retail post office hours,

and WHEREAS, Postmaster DeJoy on March 23, 2021, unveiled his plan: Delivering for America-Our Vision and Ten-Year Plan to Achieve Financial Stability and Service Excellence, which institutionalized higher postage rates, slower services, and reduced post office hours as a means of saving money;

and WHEREAS, in April, 2021 the Postal Service awarded a $120 million contract to XPO Logistics to oversee operations at two “ crucial” sorting and distribution facilities in Atlanta and Washington D.C. while DeJoy’s family businesses continued to lease four North Carolina office buildings to XPO which could amount to $23,7 million in rent payments over the next ten years,

and WHEREAS, in April 2022 when the Postal Reform Act was signed into law, and it was hailed for relieving financial pressure on the Postal Service; Postmaster General Louis DeJoy warned Americans to get to use to “uncomfortable” postage rate increases in the upcoming years,

and WHEREAS, in May of 2022 Postmaster General DeJoy addressed the National Postal Forum where by exposing his plans, “ We are laser focused on our transformation. We will become much more efficient and operate at a lower cost. We will support mail innovation and add more value to each mail piece. We will grow volume and fill our trucks with mail and packages to better sustain our business. We are working hard to be the high-performing organization you need us to be, and we know we can be.” DeJoy will partially accomplish this by eliminating post offices in New York City, Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit, Cleveland and other locations where there are “40 locations within a tenmile radius.”,

and WHEREAS, it is now clear that if Postmaster General Louis DeJoy remains in office that postal customer will be receiving slower service while having to travel to a “centralized “ location to conduct postal business. The massive savings that DeJoy is promising can only come from elimination of union postal jobs which pay living wages and benefits including retirement,

and WHEREAS, Postmaster General DeJoy throughout his tenure has been brought before courts and Congress on multiple occasions to be investigated, and to explain his unwarranted cutbacks in service to the American people, his repeated appearances of impropriety in his financial dealing which has brought disgrace to the Postal Service and the position of Postmaster General, therefore be it Resolved, that the American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO calls for immediate removal of Louis DeJoy as Postmaster General of the United States. 

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