Greetings, brothers and sisters! Welcome to the website designed for you the members of the Long Island New York Area Local, American Postal Workers Union. We are extremely excited to offer our members an opportunity to gain knowledge and information through this website. We believe this is also an added opportunity for the members to communicate and participate in dialogue with your local officers and representatives. As always, we urge you to always communicate any thoughts, ideas, and concerns with us at any time.
Since our recent election, our officers have diligently worked to ensure that the administrative responsibilities of this local union are handled with integrity, responsibility and dedication. We have updated our computerized grievance system, identified and purged any resolved grievances that were still in our files, joined the new EGS electronic grievance system, updated and created a new membership roster, reduced financial obligations and excess spending and most importantly we continue to communicate with the membership.
We continue to fight for the conversion of our PTF members and the possible opportunity for career appointment for our PSE members, in that order. We are still engaging in the ADRP (Alternate Dispute Resolution Process) which involves grievance activity in regards to NTFT duty assignments. We have been successful in stabilizing 40 hour positions with some cases resolved with monetary compensation to our members.
We recently had a grievance review with Regional representatives of the USPS and were very successful in resolving many grievances that were a benefit to our members. We have scheduled another grievance review for the month of December, 2013. We expect the same positive results for our membership.
Your local Executive Board stands united in the representation of every member! A fight against one is a fight against all! We strongly encourage you to attend your local union meetings, seminars, and union functions. Remain united and stand together as one!
May you all have a very blessed, happy and healthy holiday season! Please be safe, cherish those you love and dance like there is no one watching!
Yours in union solidarity,
Michelle Nadeau, Executive Vice President