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December 21, 2024
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It has come to our attention that a large number of emails are being returned, inhibiting our ability to communicate with you, the members.  If you have not received an email message in the past two weeks, please do the following:

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Timely communication is integral to our mission, to keep you, the member informed. Please help us help you.

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Action Center
Boycott Staples
Let Staples know we will not sit by while they take our jobs!! Click on the link to get a downloadable flyer!
A radio station dedicated to union causes
The Postal Service is again urging workers to take a survey, called PULSE. Just like the VOE, the Union urges members to boycott this survey.
Contract Actions
Wear your Sticker Thursdays
Money on the table
Updated On: May 07, 2016

For those Long Island NY Area Locals who have been paying attention, or have been on the receiving end, the members of this local have won thousands of dollars for various violations of our contract in their offices. Almost quarterly, many of our members receive checks for several hundred dollars to a couple of thousand dollars. Members have received these funds, and management continues to violate the contract. It is money on the table.

So, what are the violations, and how can you get in on this? Be observant in your office. Who knows better than you what is going on. Do you have a 204B working in your office? How long has the 204B been there? If the 204B has been there (several 204Bs working continuously) for over 90 days, you could get some of that money on the table. It is simple. You see this, you document what the 204B is doing (supervising clerks, scheduling clerks, are the only supervisory people in the building), and you let your union representative know! Either your steward (if you have one), or your Area Representative must be notified as soon as possible.

If you are worried, or would rather remain silent and hide in the background, well, that is your choice. But how much is your silence worth? Perhaps you do not need a couple of hundred, or even a thousand extra dollars in your pocket. Leave it on the table, then.

But I do not believe anyone wants to leave money on the table. We have received numerous calls about the Global Settlement money. Perhaps you have received money from it, or are waiting for a check. Why do I think so many members want this money? Because they didn't have to do anything to get it.  Think about it. Members need extra money when they do not have to do anything, but are willing to leave money on the table because they do not want to make a phone call and write a statement. Someone might get mad.  But does that someone pay your bills, or send you on a vacation? No! You have to stand up and take that money off the table.

Read the local website, go to the national union website. See what violations management is committing that could put money in your pocket. Do you have some PSEs from another office working along with you? Check with the union and see if management is using them properly. Speak up. Sometimes you have to take a stand and put money in your pocket.  Talk to your union representative. Ask questions. Help us help you. Don't leave money on the table.

Mike Puterio

Long Island NY Area Local
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