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December 21, 2024
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Action Center
Boycott Staples
Let Staples know we will not sit by while they take our jobs!! Click on the link to get a downloadable flyer!
A radio station dedicated to union causes
The Postal Service is again urging workers to take a survey, called PULSE. Just like the VOE, the Union urges members to boycott this survey.
Contract Actions
Wear your Sticker Thursdays
Candidate Articles for Area Representative, Nassau South
Updated On: Mar 30, 2019

Donald Papa

APWU Members

My name is Donald Papa. I am running as the long-term incumbent of the position of Area Representative Nassau South.

Began my USPS career 1974 as a clerk in Lynbrook NY

Shop steward since 1980 - 2004.

Held Area Representative position since winning election 1992.

While there are six Area Representatives I have filed well over 50% of the grievances in the local over the years (thousands and thousands), which have resulted in many and mostly positive outcomes and have succeeded in gaining hundreds of thousands of dollars of remuneration for the members in my Area.

I have no doubt that if the election was strictly up to the members in my area who know me and whom I represent, I would win.

NBA Pete Coradi has said many times verbally and in writing that he wishes that he had "ten of me" because of my work ethic.

I have been one of the first union officers to develop and effectively use the National Labor Relation s Board and have filed more than a few charges to gain the legal rights attached to out contractual rights.

There is no good reason that would determine that I should not keep and hold my position except that management would be very happy and the membership suffer.

Not knowing my opponent I cannot speak, but my experience, knowledge, intuitiveness and diligence cannot be replaced so easily by one who does not have the experience that I do.

Please Vote for me.

Lisa Roland



Hello Sisters and Brothers:

I am excited to announce my candidacy for Area Representative Nassau South, Long Island Area Local, APWU.

I am honored to have the unanimous support of the Local Executive Board. I know I can be an

asset to this team of dedicated unionists. I am not retired. I am on the workfloor, have worked in several offices, was a PTF for 10 years, and seek to bringhard work and enthusiasm to this important position. I have been a Shop Steward for several years, representing members on multiple issues. I have worked closely with my Area Representative and the

Executive Vice President.

Members deserve strong representation, to be treated with dignity and respect, each member valued as part of a team, not spoken to disrespectfully, and to have their needs considered when a change of schedule is requested.

The incumbent has demonstrated an inability to resolve even the most basic issues for members, causing unnecessary financial burdens to our Local. He has a disturbing lack of ability to work with fellow officers.

With your support, I will energetically represent your interests. I will be part of a great team of local officers.

We have enough problems focusing on managements daily actions. We should not do it alone.

Teamwork is critical to achieving those goals.

I humbly ask for your vote and support, and I will prove you made the best choice in unionism .


Long Island NY Area Local
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