Immediate Action Required!
NEW APPROVED Retail Safe Guards & Actions to be taken in every office:
Social Distancing
· Please ensure EVERY PO has lines and sign in place today. Tape on floor 6’ increments, Lobbies, Q-lines, Counters, Front Doors & even outside on ground (for lobbies that get more than 10 people) where necessary
· Please ensure we have taken every proactive steps within the operations to ensure social distancing: Cases, Start Times, Breaks, Loading of Dock, Back Office, PO Box, PM Office, Parcel Distribution
· Coughing/ Sneezing guards at retail window is authorized where appropriate, standard work to follow. Items to consider:
o Safe and secure installation
o Plexi glass first option (remember , cough guard , not an air flow shield , maybe 2.5x3 or 3x3)
o Clear vinyl (shower curtain) as temp option until plexi glass
o Clear vinyl (shower curtain) as long term where plexi glass can’t be installed
Please take all urgent precautions to keep our employees safe while continuing to service our customers.
Frank Calabrese
District Manager / Executive-In-Charge
Long Island District