Many issues in America affect labor, and in affecting labor, affects the middle class and poor. On this page various issues will be posted and, hopefully, will result in discussions amongst each other, with friends and family, and with the legislators whom can enact changes. It is hoped that this becomes a useful resource for all of our members, and the labor family to which we belong.
Privatization Does Not Always Work |
Recent studies, and recent disclosures of actual experience, have shown that privatization of essential government services has not yielded the results hoped for. From increased expenses, to lack of committment to the service by private vendors, essential government services have suffered.
1213 Out_of_Control.pdf
Union women |
Women in labor has become a symbol of how far organized labor has come, yet how far it still has to go for women to have equality with men in the workforce. The attatched brief details some of the issues and data concerning women in the workforce.
Page Last Updated: Jan 21, 2014 (12:07:08)