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February 16, 2025
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Communication is Key

It has come to our attention that a large number of emails are being returned, inhibiting our ability to communicate with you, the members.  If you have not received an email message in the past two weeks, please do the following:

If you have used your USPS email, the system will reject the Union's email. Please use your private email. Rest assured we do not share your email with anyone, especially marketers.

If you have used a private email, make sure that our emails are not being placed in your spam folder. Mark the emails as not spam, or place in the white list.

Check the email in your profile, and make sure it is entered correctly.

Timely communication is integral to our mission, to keep you, the member informed. Please help us help you.

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The Postal Service is again urging workers to take a survey, called PULSE. Just like the VOE, the Union urges members to boycott this survey.
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Postal Surveys raise their heads again
Updated On: Mar 26, 2021

The Postal Service is again sending out a survey of employees, this time targeting Postal Support Employees. As the Union has for years, we urge our members to not participate in the surveys. The Postal Service manages to find ways to use the results against the Union in negotiations. They are not seeking to help employees, but for their advantage. Please read the information and statement from our National Officer Vance Zimmerman.

Subject: PSE Retention Survey

All, recently the Postal Service notified the APWU that they would be conducting a survey of PSEs assigned to Function 4.  This survey is being referred to as “retention survey for Postal Support Employees (PSEs) currently assigned to Function 4 (Customer Service Operations).”  The USPS has stated that the purpose of the survey is to “obtain feedback from PSEs assigned to Function 4 regarding their overall workplace experience. The Postal Service continues to say, “ It is anticipated that the feedback received from the survey will guide the Postal Service in developing retention strategies that will have a positive effect on PSEs currently assigned to Function 4.” 


It also came to our attention that the Postal Service also released a stand-up talk on this survey. It is attached for your review.  


The APWU is not agreement with this survey. The APWU’s position on this--and all management conducted surveys—is not to participate. The Industrial Relations Department in conjunction with the Clerk Division has demanded and is scheduled to meet with the Postal Service on this survey. The APWU will be once again voicing our opposition to management surveys and asserting that the APWU is the sole bargaining agent for all APWU represented bargaining unit employees, which includes Function 4 PSEs. The Postal Service cannot use surveys to circumvent the bargaining process, nor can they implement any changes based on this survey without negotiating with the APWU.  


As more information is obtained it will be shared with the field. 

Please Disseminate

Vance Zimmerman

Industrial Relations Director

Function Four Service Talk 

February 12, 2021 

Function Four Postal Support Employee  (PSE) Survey 

Function Four (F4) Postal Support Employee (PSE) Retention is an  initiative seeking to gather information related to improving F4 PSE  retention. The responses are only for analytical purposes and will not  affect anyone’s standing within the organization. Results will be  reported anonymously, compiled, reviewed and used when solutions  are discussed.  

The survey is voluntary and it will be sent to all F4 PSEs currently on  the rolls with Postal emails and made available via an online link  found here: NYftKR 

PSEs are encouraged to complete the survey to provide feedback on  their employment experience. If employees choose to participate in  the survey, it must be completed by February 26. Function Four  PSEs are to be provided 15 minutes on the clock to complete the  survey. Postmasters and Managers are asked to provide the link to  any PSE that does not utilize their Postal email or did not receive an  email with the survey link. Please post this Service Talk. 

Thank you for everything you do every day to provide the best  customer experience in your delivery units. 

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Long Island NY Area Local
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